Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Always something to do....

Well, today we are working on a small extension to our goat pen.  We can't afford to do huge sections at a time, so we have to settle for small sections at a time.  Someday soon we will have a big area fenced in for them, but until then, a little bit at a time, steady as we go.  :)

Garden is coming along well.  Plants are all getting big and we have a lot of corn coming up, plus lots of beans, melons, tomatoes, peppers, cukes and squash.  :)

well, back to work I guess!  LOL

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Baby goats.  :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Garden, storms and critters....

Boy it's been a very ACTIVE weather season!  Thankfully we made it through last night's storms unscathed.  Many were not so lucky and we are praying for those who lost loved ones and their homes/possessions.  I pray that there is healing and speedy recovery for those affected.  We were very blessed and I know the hand of God was on us watching over and protecting us.  Praise you God for your mercy!

Our garden is coming along great.  Got tomatoes, peppers, squash and cukes planted already and will be planting corn, more squash, beans, melons and who knows what else today.  I'm very excited about this gardening season and looking forward to a bountiful harvest.  The weather brought in some much cooler air and today looks to be a wonderful day to plant.

We have turkey poults and a duckling that have hatched in our incubator.  So far only 1/4 of the turkey eggs I set have hatched, but they were not supposed to hatch until today, so I am hoping that we will see some more hatch today or tomorrow.  I'll leave the eggs in until at least Monday just to be safe.  My goat Patty should be kidding soon too.  She is getting huge and has been setting up her bag for a couple of weeks.  So hopefully we will have kids in a few days or a week.  Hoping for girls.  :)

That's all for now.  :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

YouTube - Getting garden ready

Here's a short video on how we are coming on our garden. Still A LOT to plant yet. :)

YouTube - Getting garden ready

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a weekend!

Boy what a weekend!  Our girls had softball games Friday and Saturday.  We lost both games, unfortunately.  The real excitement came last night when the storms came thru and we had an old, mostly dead, very large tree struck by lightning!  The lightning caught the tree on fire and we had to call the fire dept to put it out.  Plus it knocked out our tv/internet equipment, a computer and a stereo!  I must say it was a bit nerve-wracking but I am also awed at the thought of what could have happened!  G-d was definitely watching over us as the tree is only 30-40 feet away from the house and only 20 feet or so away from a large propane tank!  It could have been a disaster but G-d was and is in control and kept us safe!

The girls and I have our work cut out for us this week, getting things sorted and settled.  We still have a lot of stuff just sitting around, needing to be put up.  I want to get things organized and get us back on track with our home, schooling and spiritual trains.  :)

PLUS we need to get our garden in!! My goodness, time is flying!  We bought  a few things and put them in containers, so at least we have a few things going....peppers, tomatoes, herbs.  But I have a lot more to put in.  I am biting at the bit to try out a few things.....3 sisters gardening and square foot gardening.  Just so much to do and not enough time in the day!  :)  Guess I need to become an EARLY riser!

On that note....good night!!