So, it's been a while since I blogged. I guess I just stay so busy I never get a chance to. Or I forget. But I digress......
So we have moved to a new house. Well, it's really and OLD house, but it's new for us. It's an old (100 years +) farm house and it's more in the country. So quiet and peaceful. A little more property than we had too. Good neighbors.
We are getting ready to do our spring gardens. Yes, that is plural....we will be doing more than one garden space. The open garden will be a 3 sisters set up. If you are not familiar with 3 sisters, please take a moment and google it. It is an indian legend and way of complimentary planting. The 3 sisters are corn, beans and squash. We will be doing a sweet corn, some kind of pole bean and maybe a small pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini.
Our other spaces will be raised beds. Those will contain tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, some greans/lettuces, more beans, and a variety of herbs and other veggies.
We are getting lots of eggs and the animals seem to be doing great with the move. All of the chickens are in one pen right now, but we plan to eventually split them off into their individual pens. We are also getting a couple of sheep soon and we are looking forward to learning how to care for them and what we can do with the wool. We also plan on learning what to do to properly slaughter them, in accordance with biblical requirements.
Becoming more self sufficient and less reliant on grocery stores and processed foods is our goal. Teaching others how to do this is also a goal.
G-d bless you and thank you for reading.